Having the ability to regulate emotions is a skill that can be learned, implemented, and has long benefits. These benefits lead to stronger relationships and a stronger sense of self.
The truth is, what we have to say is important. It is valid. It is allowed and we have space for it. The tricky part is that when we “flip our lid” (switch to the emotional side and yell, say unkind things, become easily agitated and take it out on others) we often don’t communicate ourselves in away that lets others hear our message and get our needs met. We ride on emotion, on feeling, and end up in frustrating and oppressive situations.

I share this because we want to raise children with the strategies and tools in their pockets and actually be able to access them in highly emotionally charged times. We can only do this when we as the adults practice and model this and assist our children in doing the same.
Having access to tools and strategies to raise emotionally intelligent children who have a strong attachment with their caregivers should be affordable, simple to access, easy to digest, and straight forward to implement.
As a mental health expert, the impact of early childhood experiences greatly affects people long into adulthood. We know that there are many adverse childhood experiences that impact not only a person’s mental wellbeing, but also physical health concerns and conditions including disease. The research points to a strong buffer for avoiding these ACEs and that is a strong relationship with a caregiver.

The trouble we run into is that parenting is tough. People who experience severe stress, trauma, negative inter-generational conflict and poor role models often run into triggers of their own when raising littles. Unfortunately, there can be many barriers to shifting towards more effective ways to parent. Some of which include finances, understanding parent child dynamics, values and beliefs about parenting that were instilled in us from the ways our own parents raised us, what is “good” parenting and how we measure up to it, access to material, and even doubt about mental health.
There are many modalities when consuming parenting information including books, podcasts, friends/family, pediatricians, Google searches, and others. Not each way is going to be an appropriate way to consume and take in the info for each person. Continually, some of the stronger and more valuable information comes at a high cost. This limits who can access it which in turns impacts the families who would benefit from the info.
The good new is that I developed an online parenting course that teaches caregivers how to end that reactive explosive cycle, and transform into a responsive parent. Someone who
Pays attention to their own emotions
Knows how how to calm themselves
Re-regulate their emotions
Understand their children’s behavior and what that behavior communicates
Assist their children in regulating so they are able to calm down and communicate faster and more effectively
Makes moments teachable so the parents don’t have to correct every behavior (their children begin to learn what the expectations are and how to engage on their own)
These exact skills are taught in both video lessons and an accompanying workbook for those who like to print and read the material.
The best part is that this entire course, taught by a Licensed Therapist who has worked with parents for over a decade, is only $5.55.
Even though it is worth much more based on how impactful the information can be for families and the longevity of the children’s emotional wellbeing and attachment, it has been made affordable and accessible to all. No one should feel stuck, unhappy with the way their home is going and the interactions are set up with their children. Everyone deserves to have a loving home where each member feels understood and conflict is addressed respectfully and lays strong boundaries and expectations for future behavior.
It is important for anyone who has the slightest bit of drive to reduce reactions, yelling, frequent upset, snapping, crying, etc, and begin to be more responsive and skilled in the way they approach parenting that they have access to the means to reach that goal.

The transformation within your home will be well worth your commitment with this course. When you're able to be the calm and sturdy leader, your children pick up on those behaviors and intents. They see how their role models navigate situations and pick up on those skills themselves. Continually, when their leader is able to help them through the tough emotionally charged times, these skills begin to be cemented into their own personal behavior. Your children also will learn how to be less “emotionally reactive” because they have emotional intelligence.
The responsive Parenting course was created for any caregiver who is interested in ending the negative reactive cycle, and lay foundations to be more calm and intentional with the way they parent. And at a price $5.55, this can reach those who may not have invested in something similar in the past.
Raising our future generation takes the whole damn village, from inside the home all the way to people you’ve never met (Hi friend!). Register today: